CRAHW Dementia Research Endowment

Priority area: Transforming our world

There is an urgent need for more dementia research. Every 6 minutes someone is diagnosed with dementia in Australia and they may be someone who you know and care about. Dementia is the third leading cause of death in Australia and there is no cure or effective treatment. However, research has shown that if we could delay the onset of the dementia by 5 years, we may be able to reduce the number of people with dementia by almost one third.

Your contribution today can make a real difference and assist in finding ways of preventing dementia or delaying its progression.

Your donation will contribute to the following research in dementia.

  • Identifying risk factors for dementia.
  • Developing tools to identify those at risk.
  • Developing and evaluating evaluations to reduce risk of dementia, and to reduce cognitive decline.
  • Other research focusing on Epidemiology, Prevention, Knowledge Translation and the identification of neural correlates and brain changes associated with dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment.


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